Common Mode Coil Inductor


Common mode coil inductor



  •  Low costs and high efficiency
  • Low magnetic leakage
  • High saturation current
  • Good noise control through toroidal construction
  • Different materials available to meet different frequency requirements



  • For switching power supplies and devices using microcomputers
    TV, VCR / VCR, audio equipment, OA equipment, etc
  • Noise reduction in the DC circuit
  • Line filter for switching power supplies
  • Limit noise from ultrasound equipment

Our Parameter

Model Dimensions(mm) Parameter Values
ID Height OD inductance(uH) Resistance(Ω) Current(A)
ST-DG-01 10 5.21 5 3 0.01 1
ST-DG-02 13 8 5 150 0.4 1
ST-DG-03 13 8 6.5 10 0.01 8
ST-DG-04 16 9 6 86 0.03 2
ST-DG-05 20 13 10 75 0.02 2.5
ST-DG-06 24 15 8 100 0.05 1.5
ST-DG-07 27 15 11 50 0.02 3
ST-DG-08 33 20 11 26 0.01 5
ST-DG-09 40 24 14.5 40 0.01 5
ST-DG-10 45 27.2 16.5 50 0.01 5
ST-DG-11 51 24.1 22.2 150 0.01 5
ST-DG-12 57 31.8 19.1 260 0.028 10





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